The REAL OCPA and More Karin Harding

Gentle reader:

You know when you are about to go through 

construction (think I-44/US75 or I-244 in Tulsa) the construction bottlenecks and slows down. What do Okies do? Nearly all of them try to get over as quickly as possible and instead of using all of the available road up to the merge point, all of the high thinking fools get over in the one lane, creating a long, useless line in one lane and a completely usable but vacant line in the other. Some, like us, use that vacant lane because they are wise and efficient. Sometimes the fools that got over early get angry and pull into the empty lane halfway, or honk, or don't let the people in at the end. They try to make people like the Warrior out to be the bad guys. But you, the early mergers, are the bad guys. By using ALL of the available lanes up to the merge point, you are creating a more efficient process through the construction. 

The concept is called the "zipper merge." We highlighted this with a link the last time.  Not shockingly, we are right about this so if you insist on getting in a single lane three miles back, know that you are wrong, and shouldn't get upset at people that use the empty lane. Because, after all, the lane is open for you, too, and if you actually did, the zipper merge would create an efficient process for everyone. (BTW, If Governor Stitt is reading, we are ready and willing to be in charge of driver education in the state.)


Like us, you are probably getting facebook ads and texts from someone that started a website to bash OCPA. It's at "" if you haven't received anything on it. We have thoughts. First, we have no problem with anonymous websites and emails. They are constitutionally allowed and protected. Let your freak flag fly, web creator. Second, this is the gayest website that we've seen, and has zero meaningful content. If you're going to have a big reveal, there better be some good news there, or you've wasted your time. There's not. Third, OCPA hasn't been worth worrying about for a while, so who cares. The Board of Directors should realize by now that the group is stale, and it's time to find a new staff, including changing up Jonathan Small. Our view has nothing to do with liking or hating OCPA, but Small has been there for more than 10 years, and it's time for a fresh approach, that's all.  

Our very good friend Karin Harding

has reported to us that she has not received her registration email from the OKGOP for the convention registration. We also understand that Lynelle Medley also has not received her email, and even if we have no love for Lynelle, she is entitled to register. We wanted to check the facts on these allegations to try and figure out who was actually at fault for the issue, so we emailed the convention credentials team Ronda Smith and Matt Vermillion to see what we could find out. 

They both ignored our request. Poor form, folks!

The next time you see Ronda post about taking a bubble bath while reading our emails, know that she'll have to listen to the Somewhere in Time soundtrack by herself until she responds to our request for information. She's back on the shit list.

BTW, the fight over convention prices has begun.

And Chairman Dahm gave the complainers a big middle finger. He emailed the big middle finger to the whiners comparing them to those seeking revocation of student loan debt. He's right, and we told you this was coming. We hope to see more of it.

We haven't read 

the entire article yet, but highly recommend you read Dan McLaughlin's latest piece that came out this morning, "The right can't fight like the left." It gives a great basis why we can't do what the Action Figures want us to do, and employ Saul Alinsky's tactics within our own party.

Everyone's favorite day on Facebook

is Election Challenge day at the Oklahoma Election Board! I have a little bad news for you: There's only two challenges this year, a sharp drop off in challenges. This makes us sad, but both are Republican on Libertarian/Independent crime so that's good. Should be fun, we'll watch, you should as well!

And unless you've been under a rock 

the past week, Ken Warner and Ralph Crawford did a stellar job marshaling the grassroots to work in a positive way to get a committee hearing on the ranked choice voting ban. It passed 8-2 in committee, and only needs a senate floor vote at this point to go into law. Great news indeed!

Have a great weekend!



If Truman Capote were alive


Left Turn Lights, and Various & Sundry